To make a payment

Payment can be made for a property that has an active contract. If it is terminated and you have to pay the final invoice, we invite you to connect to the client portal (registered users) or pay the invoice via your Internet bank.

To pay in the client portal

In the customer portal you can access current information on payments or overpayments, payment history, etc.

Log in

Enter the subscriber or contract number

It is also possible to pay another client's bill by indicating its subscriber or contract number.

Need help?

How do I know how much I have to pay?

Current information about the payment is available in the Invoices section of the client portal. Information about the amount of payment is also sent by e-mail or post, depending on the type of payment.

Connect to the client portal

Where can I find the subscriber number?

The subscriber number can be found on all payment documents

Other frequently asked questions

Can I pay on behalf of another person?

Yes, you can do this, if you know the subscriber or contract number.

Other frequently asked questions