1. Terms used in the Regulation
1.1. Customers portal – the website https://www.mans.lg.lv, where Services remotely provided by the Company are available;
1.2. Regulation – Regulations on the use of the Customers portal of the Company;
1.3. Services – services provided by the Company on the Customers portal, including, but not limited to, receipt of information about invoices, entry of commercial accounting measurement meter readings and distribution of excise, view of natural gas consumption of own sites, sending messages;
1.4. Basic information – Portal user’s data, necessary for logging in to the Customers portal, including, Registration number, Agreement number, name, surname, e-mail, phone number, as well as, for logging in through bank authorisation, personal identity number;
1.5. Access parameters – individual unique combination of access parameters of the Portal user, consisting of the Portal user’s name and password;
1.6. Portal user’s password – a combination of symbols created by the Portal user for identification of the Portal user on the Portal user;
1.7. Portal username – e-mail address of the Portal user for identification of the Portal user on the Portal user;
1.8. Portal user – a natural or legal person or authorised representative thereof, who has been authorised for use of the Customers portal;
1.9. Company – joint stock company Latvijas Gāze, legal address Aristida Briāna iela 6, Riga, LV–1001;
1.10. Cooperation partner – the bank through which it is possible to register and authorise on the Customers portal.
2. General Conditions
2.1. The Regulation shall determine the procedure for the use of the Customers portal and shall be binding to the Portal user. When using the Customers portal, the concluded natural gas sales agreement as well as payment procedures approved by the Company and subject to the Portal user shall be binding to the user.
2.2. The scope of Services available on the Customer portal may differ for Portal users, including, but not limited to, depending on the type of sales agreement, procedure for the use of services of the distribution system, type of use of natural gas, number of natural gas connections, as well as status of the Portal user - the principal user or user.
2.3. When authorising for use of the Customers portal, the Portal user shall confirm that he/she has become familiar with the “Personal data processing notification” of the Company (link: https://lg.lv/en/notification-on-personal-data-processing) and consider it binding for him/her.
3. Identification and authorisation of the Portal user
3.1. In order to apply for the commencement of use of the Customers portal, the potential Portal user shall complete the Application Form for use of the Customers Portal on the website https://mans.lg.lv, log in through the internet bank or submit an application to the Company regarding the use of the Customers portal, specifying the necessary Basic Information.
3.2. After the first authorisation an e-mail letter with a link for access to the Customers portal is sent to the e-mail address specified by the Portal user.
3.3. In the case of loss of the Portal user’s password or on the basis of his or her wish to change the password, pursuant to the request of the Portal user on the Customers portal, the Company shall send a new link for access to the Customers portal to the e-mail address of the Portal user.
3.4. In the case set forth in Paragraph 6.2.2 of the Regulation, identification of the Portal user shall take place in accordance with the identification procedure determined by the Cooperation partner, comparing the identification parameters received from the Cooperation partner with the data registered on the information system of the Company. Only in the case of correspondence of the data sent by the Cooperation partner with the data registered in the system of the Company does the Portal user have access to the Services of the Customers portal.
3.5. The Portal user shall have an obligation to keep the Access parameters safe - i.e., not disclose them to third persons. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for unlawful activities in the account of the Portal user, if such activities are performed with Access parameters, unlawfully acquired by any third person due to the fault of the Portal user or carelessness, arising as a consequence of failure to comply with the Regulation.
4. Rights, Obligations and Responsibility of the Portal user
4.1. Obligations of the Portal user:
4.1.1. to comply with the Regulation;
4.1.2. to only use the Customers portal when the Portal user has the right to do so;
4.1.3. to keep the Access parameters safe and not disclose them to third persons, as well as to change the Access parameters pursuant to the request of the Company;
4.1.4. without delay - in writing, by using the informative phone (67869866) or getting in contact with the person responsible for the sales agreement of the Company specified in the sales agreement, to inform the Company in the case if the Access parameters have become available to any third persons;
4.1.5. to ensure the compliance of his or her device (computer, smart phone, tablet PC) with the minimum requirements for the receipt of Services on the Customers portal - the browser used for work with the Customers portal shall be provided with the use of cookies and JavaScript;
4.1.6. to inform the Company in a timely manner regarding any changes in the Basic information;
4.1.7. not to use access parameters of any third persons;
4.1.8. in the case of interruptions in the operation of the Customers portal system, to use other available information exchange tools with the Company;
4.1.9. to follow changes in the Regulation on the Customers portal.
4.2. Rights of the Portal user:
4.2.1. to use other information exchange tools with the Company;
4.2.2. in the case if the Portal user does not agree with the changes determined in Paragraph 6.2.4 of the Regulation, the Portal user shall have the right to terminate the use of Customers portal and to use other information exchange tools with the Company at any time.
4.3. Information reflected on the Customers portal shall be considered as binding to the Portal user.
4.4. The Portal user agrees that the payment documents received on the Customers portal shall have the same legal power as the documents prepared in a hard copy.
4.5. The Portal user shall be responsible for all activities upon authorisation on the Customers portal.
4.6. The Portal user shall be prohibited from performing activities driven towards worsening of the security condition of the Customers portal.
4.7. Any notification approved by the Portal user (including, but not limited to, entered commercial accounting measurement meter reading, information on the distribution of the received natural gas in accordance with the purpose of use thereof for application of the excise tax), submitted to the Company by using the Customers portal, shall be binding to the Portal user and the Company.
5. Deletion of the Portal user
5.1. Deletion of the Portal user:
5.1.1. on the basis of the received application of the Portal user;
5.1.2. if no valid natural gas sale agreement exists between the Portal user and the Company and there is no other legal grounds for the receipt of the Services of the Customers portal;
5.1.3. if the Company has reasonable suspicions that unauthorised use of the Customers portal is performed and untrue information is provided;
5.1.4. if the Portal user violates the Regulation, including, if the rules of fair use are violated;
5.1.5. In the case of deletion of the Portal user, the Basic information shall be deleted, except the data, the duty of storage of which is arising from other obligations of the Portal user or such an obligation of the storage of data is arising from regulatory enactments.
6. Rights, Obligations and Responsibility of the Company
6.1. Obligations of the Company:
6.1.1. to identify the Portal user in accordance with the Regulation;
6.1.2. to ensure the provision of Services of the Customers portal in accordance with the Regulation;
6.1.3. to publish the Regulation or changes thereof on the Customers portal as soon as they come into force;
6.1.4. to ensure personal data processing in accordance with regulatory enactments being in force in the Republic of Latvia.
6.2. Rights of the Company:
6.2.1. in order to ensure the remote provision of Services to the Portal user, to collect and process the information acquired within the framework of the Customers portal on the personal data of the Portal user, as well as other information delivered, transferred or transmitted to the Company within the framework of the Customers portal;
6.2.2. in cases, when the Portal user gets access to the Customers portal by activating the Customers portal’s link on the websites of the Cooperation partners, the Company shall have the right to use the identification systems of the Cooperation partners;
6.2.3. to register activities, performed by using the Customers portal, and in the case of need to use the acquired information for justification and proving of Services received or notifications submitted by the Portal user;
6.2.4. without warning the Portal user in advance of such, to change the procedure for the provision of Services of the Customers portal, functional or visual solution thereof as well as the scope of Services and information available to the Portal user. The Company shall not be responsible for the harm arising or that may arise to the Portal user due to the performance of the above mentioned changes.
6.3. The Company shall not be responsible for damages or interruptions in the operation of the Customers portal if the cause for this is damages and the interruption of operation of the devices of the Portal user, configuration or load of the e-mail of the Portal user, use of inappropriate or non-licensed devices or software, break in the electricity supply, interruptions in the operation of the internet network or non-compliance of the computer, smart phone and tablet PC of the Portal user with the terms and conditions of use of the Customers portal.
6.4. The Company shall not bear any responsibility if the Portal user fails to receive the information sent by the Company to the e-mail address specified by the Portal user.
6.5. The Company shall not bear any responsibility for the harm, arising to the Portal user, including, but not limited to, during discontinuation, improvement or preventive works of the operation of the Customers portal.
6.6. The Company shall not be responsible for consequences, arising due to the fact that the Portal user has submitted incomplete, incorrect or erroneous information.
7. Other provisions
7.1. This Regulation shall come into force after the publishing thereof on the Customers portal. Authorisation of the Portal user on the Customers portal shall be considered as confirmation that the Portal user has become familiar with the Regulation and agrees to comply with it.
7.2. In the case if the Portal user refuses to comply with changes in the Regulation, he or she shall have an obligation to cease using the Customers portal. Continued use of the Customers portal shall serve as confirmation that the Portal user has become familiar with amendments to the Regulation and shall undertake to comply with it.
7.3. The Portal user is informed of the fact that temporary discontinuation of the operation of the Customers portal system is permitted, related to the maintenance, service or improvement works of the Customers portal and systems related to it.
7.4. Support or information on the issues related to the use of the Customers portal may be received at the Customer Service Centres of the Company, by getting in contact with the Customer Service of the Company (phone 67869866, e-mail info@lg.lv) or by getting in contact with the person responsible for the sales agreement of the Company specified in the sales agreement.
7.5. The Customers portal contains information protected by property rights, owned by the Company and protected on the basis of the applicable legal regulation on the intellectual property and other regulatory enactments, including, but not limited to copyright. The Portal user shall have an obligation not to use such information protected by property law in any other way, except for use of the Customers portal for personal and non-commercial purposes in accordance with the Regulation. Neither part of the Customers portal may be multiplied in any form and by any means, without written agreement with the Company. The Portal user shall undertake not to modify, lease, rent and distribute the Customers portal in any way.
In the case of breach of the intellectual property rights the persons at fault may be called to justice in accordance with the procedure determined by regulatory enactments, as well as they shall bear full responsibility for losses caused to and possibly caused to the Company, including, but not limited to, with regard to trademarks of the Company.
7.6. This Regulation is available in Latvian, Russian and English. In the case of any discrepancies, the document in Latvian shall prevail.